Friday, November 2, 2007

Just in Time for Christmas...or any other occasion!

I love personalized items! So I was definitely thrilled when I came across a site that sells personalized music Cd's for children. My Kids Music offers several choices including a Christmas CD with popular songs such as Joy To the World, Silent Night, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas with a twist...your child's name is mentioned on each and every track.

Price tag: regularly priced at $19.95. On sale for $17.95

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Breastmilk and Asthma

Studies have found that breast feeding your baby for more than four months will actually improve lung function and help protect baby from asthma later in life but only if the mother does not suffer from the disorder herself. Click here to read entire article.

Infant Swim Resource

Many of you may have already learned about this valuable resource in drowning prevention but it's such a worthy resource it deserves another blurb!

Dr. Harvey Barnett developed the first and only drowning prevention strategy that has earned a 100% safety record...for children! Beginning at a 6 months children can learn life safing techiniques involving real world circumstances. Most lessons are taught with the child fully clothed! For more information and to find a certified instructor in your area click here.

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